Zeitraum: 07.02.2025 / 03.10.2025
Aufenthaltdauer: 8 - 8
2 Erw., 0 Kinder ()
Desired destination:
Earliest arrival:
Duration of stay:
1 week
Number of travelers:

Carefree holidays 2021 - With Albatross Reisen you don't have to worry about your travel budget!

If your trip cannot take place due to a travel warning from the German Foreign Office or because the camping park you booked is closed on your travel date, we will continue to refund your payments without hesitation within 14 days to your account.

At Albatross there are no vouchers or other credit solutions. You can therefore continue to book your camping holiday with Albatross Reisen and benefit from our 10% early booking discount until 31.01.2021!

Titel des Dialogfenster