Zeitraum: 11.03.2025 / 04.11.2025
Aufenthaltdauer: 8 - 8
2 Erw., 0 Kinder ()
Desired destination:
Earliest arrival:
Duration of stay:
1 week
Number of travelers:

Winter camping with Albatross Reisen - comfort meets adventure

Das Campen im Winter ist eine einzigartige Möglichkeit, die kalte Jahreszeit zu genießen, und mit den Unterkünften von Albatross Reisen wird dieses Erlebnis besonders komfortabel. Statt sich mit Zelt oder Wohnmobil der Kälte zu stellen, können Sie in winterfesten Mobilheimen, Bungalows oder Ferienhäusern übernachten und die verschneite Natur ganz ohne Stress erleben. Ob Sie Entspannung oder Abenteuer suchen – bei Albatross Reisen finden Sie die ideale Kombination aus Komfort und Outdoor-Erlebnis.

Book your winter camping accommodation now and experience the magical world of winter camping in a new, cozy way!


Contact information

Telephone: +49 9331 98304-0
Email: info@albatross.de

We look forward to welcoming you to one of our campsites soon!

FAQ: Winter camping with Albatross Reisen

What accommodation does Albatross Reisen offer for winter camping?

Albatross Reisen offers winter-proof mobile homes, bungalows and holiday homes that are perfectly tailored to the needs of winter campers. All accommodations are heated and insulated so that you can stay comfortably even in low temperatures.

Are the accommodations also suitable for very cold temperatures?

Yes, all Albatross Reisen accommodations are winterproof and have excellent insulation and efficient heating systems that ensure pleasant warmth even in freezing temperatures.

Can I also do winter sports at the winter campsites?

Yes, many of our winter campsites are close to ski resorts, cross-country ski trails and toboggan runs. Snow hikes and winter sports equipment rental are also often offered.

Are the winter campsites easily accessible?

Yes, all Albatross Reisen campsites are easily accessible even in winter. The roads are cleared regularly and safe access routes are standard.

Why should I book winter camping with Albatross Reisen?

With Albatross Reisen you are not just booking accommodation, but a winter adventure in the best regions of Europe. Enjoy comfort, safety and excellent service during your winter camping holiday!

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